jueves, 4 de diciembre de 2014

Lentils Production (harvest)

I dont know if you remember when at elementary school the teacher made us plant in cotton some beans...
I remembered that the same month I started planting different kind of seeds in my garden, including lentils. At that moment, for me was enough thinking that that was the way normal lentils are made, but know I can imagine that  its a large process, since the step of preparing the soil, to the harvest, to the factory, to the store, to my house.

I just found a very interesting manual that explains all the Lentils production process. It seems to be a really delicate plant, the grasshoppers, cold, and different types of animals and plagues are able to destroy all the harvest.

Lentil fits well into a direct seeding crop production system. Lentil seedlings can emerge through crop residue because of their strong seedling vigour and ability to emerge from greater soil depths.

For green lentil the basic quality parameters are seed diameter, seed thickness and uniformity,
color uniformity, and intact green seed coats without wrinkling or staining.  Variety choice
also affects green lentil colour – varieties like large green and CDC Viceroy maintain green seed coat colour longer than other varieties during poor harvest conditions.

Lentils production manual

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